Tony "Salami" Aquilina

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Any beer that is available

Soccer, Paintball

I have no dislikes.  I am a very nice person.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

Paintball, Soccer and anything that involves drinking.

Why I love the game:
It is a game where friends can get together and play paintball and then drink, what more can you ask for.

First game:
My first game was with friends from work in the basement of a old post office in Rochester NY. The place was a dump, they made you wear a blue or yellow vest that weighed like 20lbs (for protection is what they said). But all in all it started it got me hooked on paintball.

Joined Pub Crawling:

Here is my tale:
I really started playing paintball when I got to know Ethan (Big E) from Pub Crawling, but at that time he was the owner of "Bust ''n Balls", which is how I met him. He is the reason I got to know the Pub Crawling Team and why I am still playing paintball.

Tony "Salami" Aquilina

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