Joe "Rat Bastard" Doyle

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Quality Beer, Strong Coffee , Fizzy Drinks without Sugar.

The silent moment before the game starts.
The intensity of play the moment before my position is over run by
screaming hordes..

Ticks, they give me the willies.

"I still don''t need a plan, just an objective."

Astronomy, role playing games, anime.

Why I love the game:
The people I play along side of are the best and I take much enjoyment
from being around them.  Some of them make good bunkers.

First game:

Joined Pub Crawling:

Here is my tale:
Played on the wrong side, against Pub Crawling once. Wishing never to make that mistake again I started hanging around with them and eventually was absorbed into their collective.

Joe "Rat Bastard" Doyle

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