Ed "Grubermann" Sheridan

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Any good spiced rum.

Stand up play; Honor on the field; Seeing the eyes of a first time castle player go wide with awe; The off field friendships that paintball fosters.

Wipers, cheaters, slackers, and the Dutch!

"In tranquillo esse quisque gubernator potest." "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm" - Publius Syrus

Paintball (shocker huh?).

Why I love the game:
There is really too much to list here, but the primary reason I keep getting on the field is the fact that even an opponent in the fiercest gunfight can be a good friend, and the stories last a lifetime.

First game:
Skirmish May 1995

Joined Pub Crawling:
Millennium Mission 2000 (Oct 1999)

Here is my tale:
Having met MJ, Malcom and Chuck at EMR in late 1999, there was an almost instant bond formed. Our styles of play were similar. Our off field personalities matched well. The snowball effect that followed was unforeseen though.

Being the only Bartender in NJ was at times hard to deal with, but as of late the entire team (from New England to the Carolinas) has been attending events all around the country. The growth of a team that "just wanted to play stand up ball" has amazed me at every turn.

There is a lot more to tell in the "Tale of Grubermann", like the origination of the name itself. For that, You''ll just have to ply me with witty banter and a semi-genuine interest.

More to come.

Ed "Gruberman" Sheridan

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